Title: Phase II: Consulting, training and transfer
of knowledge in credit card operations, budgeting/costing, credit/risk
analysis and human resources
Client: Romanian Bank of Development (Banca Romana)
Country: Romania
Year: 1996 - 1997
Financing: Canadian International
Development Agency
Description of the project and services rendered
Overall project objectives
Continuation of assistance started under Phase I.
Areas covered - summary
Credit cart operations
Establishment of credit card department (Visa), including:
- Staff and space requirements;
- IT requirements;
- Determine optimal departmental work flows;
- Establishment of credit policies and procedures;
- Participate in tender process / contract allocation;
- Establish security guidelines and procedures;
- Identification and design of appropriate products;
- Elaborate marketing strategies / sales force composition;
- Preparation and follow up critical path for project.
Human resources
Continuation of previous mandate, but with emphasis on:
- Direct involvement in department's ongoing operations;
- Case specific consultations;
- Review of remuneration policies;
- Career planning;
- Training initiatives;
- Performance evaluation;
- Disciplinary / remedial measures.
Budgeting / costing / MIS
Review and improve RBD's existing practices, emphasizing:
- MIS capabilities;
- Annual budgeting process;
- Strategies to introduce "cost center" concept.
Credit / risk analysis
Continuation of credit training and consulting, including:
- Development of customized credit courses;
- Recommendations for modifications to norms and procedures;
- Improvement of cash flow forecasting techniques and forms;
- Monitoring;
- Expansion of target audience to include credit division personnel
and regional / branch manager.