Title: Development of Tax Administration Procedures
and Forms, Internal Instruction Manuals, Technical Specifications for
the New Tax Computer System (NTS) and Support for the Transfer of Sales
Tax Administration, etc.
Client: Capacity Building for Economic Management
Country: Gambia
Year: February 2004 - 2005
Financing: World Bank
Description of the project and services rendered
The objective is to assist the Central Revenue Department (CRD) in
implementing the proposed new tax law, making the transition to a
functionally based organization which includes sales tax
administration, writing the technical specifications & software
programs, testing the programs, installing the software and hardware
for NTS, and training staff in its use.
P.A. Services Conseils Inc. will develop all necessary operational
procedures & forms, write the internal instructions to implement
those procedures, & the technical specifications & software for
NTS. P.A. Services Conseils Inc. will assist in: updating &
completing the taxpayer registers; transferring administration of sales
tax from CED to CRD; & creating the LTU & BTO.
- Procedures & forms to develop and instructions to write
concerning: Registering all taxpayers & maintaining an accurate up
to date taxpayer register including implementation of a unique new
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); Processing tax payments;
Processing tax returns; Assessing & re-assessing taxpayers;
Maintaining taxpayer statements of account, imposing penalties &
interest for late & non-payment, & collection enforcement of
debt; Identifying non-filers and unregistered taxpayers; Developing
audit plans & auditing taxpayers; Imposition of penalties for
contravention of the law; Processing objections to tax assessments
& penalties.
- NTS: Develop Technical Specifications, Write Software Programs,
Install, Implement the NTS & train staff.
- Assist in: 1) Reviewing current taxpayer registers &
assisting in developing a master taxpayer register, of all taxpayers as
in interim measure prior to the implementation of a unique new TIN as
part of NTS implementation. This includes developing & maintaining
the interim master register in a simple automated format. 2) Based on
the proposed organizational structure (NOS) and job descriptions for
the LTU & BTO, assisting officials in: re-organizing the current
workflows & determining staff deployed; physically re-organizing
the workspace to better accommodate the NOS & workflows; &
developing materials to train staff.