Title: Budgeting computerized system
Client: Ministry of planning and external cooperation
Country: Haiti
Year: 1999
Financing: Canadian International
Development Agency
Description of project and services rendered
It is within the frame of the technical assistance Canada / Haiti
project that the Ministry of Planning and external cooperation has
requested technical assistance for the analysis and up dating of the
budget system of the investment program. A computer specialist will
complete the work carried out by the budget specialist.
The objectives of the technical assistance for the budgeting
of the public investment program are to:
- Search for the appropriate mechanisms and tools to permit a more
rapid and efficient elaboration of the budget of the public investment
- Train the managers of the Economic and Social Programming.
- This work will be done with regards to the budget unification and
the administrative decentralization.
The expected results are:
Phase I
- A manual of budget procedures;
- Personnel trained to write budgetary procedures;
- Personnel trained on the manual use of the budgetary procedures;
- An improved and operational budget system.
Phase II
- A computerized system;
- Personnel trained on the use of the computerized system;
- A user manual on the computerized system.
To accomplish the above results, the consultant's mandate
will be to:
- From a projects' list, create a data base which will define the
investments by activity sector and department. The financing of these
investments is assumed by the budget of the Public Investment Program;
- Identify and propose a software able to assure the processing of
the information contained in the data base. This software should also
permit the up dating of the physical and financial projects' execution
level from the information provided by the periodical reports;
- Participate in the implementation of the computerized system,
experiment it and correct the problems if necessary;
- Write the technical description relative to the use of the