
Title: Technical assistance
Client: Ministry of Agriculture
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Year: 1989 - 1990
Financing: World Bank

Description of project and services rendered

Technical assistance to strengthen the ability of the Ministry of Agriculture of Zaire, to manage a forestry project. Four consultants resided at the Ministry for one year to effect transfer of technology in the following fields:

  1. Management & financial control systems
  2. Macroeconomist in agriculture
  3. Macroeconomist in forestry
  4. Microeconomist in forestry management

The reinforcement of the public sector institutions is an important aspect of Zaire's strategy to create and maintain a political climate that would encourage private investments in the production sectors. The state contributed with the infrastructure and essential services. This project had three essential strategical elements:

  1. Improvement in public investments planning (sectorial planning of the interventions of donors)
  2. Efficient control of public expenditures
  3. Reviewing the role of state involvement

Our consultants were further responsible for:

  • The completion of feasibility studies and participation in the elaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment's long term strategy.
  • Procurement activities
  • Training local personnel
  • Control operating costs
  • Obtain financing
The Challenge of Change